Life Lessons

How a Brain Tumor Ruined My Life and “Gifted” Me a Valuable Lesson at the Same Time

You Are Strong

You can deal with more batsh*t than you think

Don’t pray for an easy life. Pray for strength to endure a difficult one.

~ Bruce Lee

I was diagnosed with a 2.5cm acoustic neuroma, a rare, “benign” brain tumor, in March 2011. I still wish to God I had never had this thing in my head or suffered for over a decade with the fallout of having something in my head that had no damn business in there. But I’m still here in 2021, and my batsh*t brain tumor journey has “gifted” me a lesson about what I am made of.


Bacon Is Revelatory! I Miss You Minnie!

Bacon Is Revelatory

Please pause and take a moment to look at the image above. And imagine that the skillet of bacon goodness above is sizzling on your stove, in your kitchen. Now, can you smell the heady scent of smoky deliciousness? Is your mouth beginning to water expectantly? Are you anxiously waiting to take your first bite, and another, and another of a hot, crispy strip?