Life Lessons

Isn’t she ravishing?!

Isn't She Ravishing

Peonies are a ravishing flower. R-A-V-I-S-H-I-N-G! My first encounter with this luscious, sexy flower was one hot, miserable day on 42nd Street in New York City (NYC). Too much concrete and asphalt. Too much sun. Too many cars and honking horns. Too many people. Too much everything.


Lying under a tree, looking up at God

When the dog bites, when the bee stings, and I’m feeling sad. But it is absolutely stunning outside, I find myself the tallest, oldest, and greenest tree, I lie beneath it, I look up, and I bask in the wonder of dappled sunlight dancing playfully on my skin. And I imagine that God is sprinkling goodness down on me.

I found such distracting beauty in the twisty, gnarly branches blanketed in a patina of lichen.