Love Is Magic #1

I want to share words of love that have touched me over the years. So here are some of my favorite love quotes just for you.

There is a part 2, part 3, and part 4.

I hope they make you feel warm with the glow of love.

Real love casts a spell and transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. It’s magic.

Love is the closest thing we have to magic here on Earth. ~ Aquamarine, a movie

Aren’t we all longing for that “one in seven billion” someone who makes it comfortable to be our truest selves?!

I am someone else with you. Someone more like myself. ~Original Sin, a movie

I remember how wonderful it felt wrapped in Love’s warm embrace.

I feel it now my love… the sunlight. It’s in your eyes. ~First Knight, a movie

This sounds deliciously sexy. 12th Commandment: Everyone should have the RIGHT someone look at them with love in precisely this way at least once.

He looked at me as if he were the spoon and I was a dish of ice cream. ~Jane Austen Book Club, a movie

And finally, I know this to be true:

Love is everything: the beginning, the middle, the end. ~ Me

And if you enjoyed these lovely quotes, please check out my post Are you in love?

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