Choose to Live a “Romantic” Life

To be “romantic” is to express love and deep affection.

But it seems short-sighted to limit “romantic” gestures to only lovers.

Lovers who often disappoint or devastate and then disappear.

So, how wise is it to restrict “romantic” gestures to only our most elusive and tenuous relationships?

Why not be “romantic” with all the people we love?

Why not weave “romance” into the everyday fabric of our lives? For example:

  • Buy mum flowers on YOUR birthday.
  • Send cards to a best friend every day for a month.
  • Call dad every morning and every evening without fail.
  • Sew a new dress for our first “date” with a platonic friend.
  • Call mum on Valentine’s Day, because why can’t she be our sweetie, too?

With lovers, naturally, we seek out ways to express our affection.

But consider —

Today, who else in your life could use a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious “romantic” gesture?

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